Hi Kickstarter backers,
I just wanted to update everybody on last weeks meeting.
We got to sit down and discuss the first parts out of the new mold and besides a couple of minor touch-ups on the mold everything looks good. My prediction of having to HD-foam fill this part has also come true and we have placed an order for the foam fixture.
We now also have an option of offering a model out of recycled PE (which is black). I know this wasn't part of the Kickstarter rewards but if there are enough of you guys that are interested in the recycled black we could add it to the rewards and we let you know how to change your color choice. Please leave a comment like: "black=yes" on this update to let us know if we should offer this to you guys.
I personally love first black recycled-PE pre-production models and have mounted the first one in my living room. Without foam they are only strong enough to hold a frame. We need to foam fill them to hold up complete bikes.

Why do we need a foam fixture? Here is what happens when you fill a part with HD-foam without a foam fixture. The fixture will keep the part form deforming and bulging out.
We needed to find out how strong the foam is, so we used this deformed model to do some early testing and it looks like this will be our solution. They also told us that it should take 2-3 weeks to build the foam fixture. (...and we are pushing for 2 weeks) After that we will test how strong the foamed parts are.
All in all things are moving along and are getting completed.
Next update will happen after we receive our foam fixture.
thanks for hanging in there,