light at the end of the tunnel (...and it's not a train)

September 04, 2015

Why is this Kickstarter project taking so long...

Over the last couple of month we have received countless e-mails and questions. Some of you are asking us "why is this product still not available and how much longer?", others are just voicing their frustration on how ridiculously long the wait has been. Guess what? We feel the same way. Even so we have been told by other companies that product development always takes longer and costs more than anticipated the transparency of being a Kickstarter project multiplies the level of frustrations with every set back and delay.

After changing manufacturers and using a different production process, our new mold just produced the first couple of samples. We still need to approve the final product, but as soon as we do the only thing left is to order raw materials, figure out the colors and schedule production.

Things are finally coming together.

We have a meeting with our manufacturer next Thursday and I will let you know more about the "when" after that. 

Thank you for all the support,


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