The bike hotel in Freiburg has six rooms setup with high altitude simulators. Thin air is getting pumped into the rooms to create the high elevation atmosphere. It is one of the few hotels in the world where you can go for high altitude training camp.
link to the hotel: bikehotel-freiburg.de
Train on seas level and live up high in the mountains. Apartments are big with a full kitchen, bath with tub and extra space to setup roller or even Zwift for high altitude training sessions. At higher altitudes the body produces more red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs and heart to the muscles and organs. Now with your newly acquired red blood cells you will be able to sustain more strenuous efforts for longer periods at lower altitudes. This is why altitude training has been so popular with professional athletes. So if you're looking for a 1 to 2 % increase in performance with the same training effort, maybe a High altitude training camp is what you want to do?