The four weeks since my last update have been pretty event full. We have finally gotten permission (variance for twelve month) from the Town Board to use our own barn as a commercial property and store all the product right here without having to rent another commercial place. Unfortunately that meant that I had to fix all the rotten posts, repair the foundation and replace the roof to keep the Shelfies dry.

We are also adding an extra felt pad (besides the carbon vinyl) to the Shelfie package. I still prefer the vinyl carbon, but the reason for this add on is that some older bikes with sharp seat railings or pointy bolts can scratch or cut the carbon vinyl cover. The felt will be much tougher and scratch resistant if needed. It will be up to you what pad you use.
On the 5th of August we should receive our first sample shoot of the Shelfie, keep your fingers crossed.
thank for all the support,
Jurgen Beneke